Sweetie Sundae #9

Game Theory
1 min readJul 11, 2022

Welcome back to the full-fledged Sweetie Sundae!

What We Did, What Went Well, and What is Next

We’ve finished the migration to Avalanche! Pretty “cool”! We have built a DEX, moved from the tomb system to a dynamic health-based sales tax system, have stablecoin rewards, and MASTER has an extra source of revenue. We also have our timelock set up so that investors can rest easy about us making changes and can leave the protocol beforehand if they’d like. We have our multisigs set up for security reasons. Launch went about as well as expected. We had to do a few updates but nothing critical. Celestial has started development and has become the main focus while I finish up the Altergene Season 1 rewards and set up Season 2, among other miscellaneous things.

What Didn’t Go Well and How We Can Improve

We are constantly improving our community outreach. Sweetie Sundae is back to provide more transparency again. We’re continuing to build in these times. The constant feedback we’ve been getting is that we weren’t focusing hard enough on Celestial, so that’s what we will do moving forward. As such, you might not see me around as much or as many updates but Sweetie Sundae will be showing the constant progress that I’m making on that front. Stay tuned for this!

